Field Directory


Holly Hills Litlle League

2000 47th Street Northeast Canton Ohio United States 44705

(Last updated 01/13/22 at 05:05 PM )

View Directions

Field 1

(Last updated 01/13/22 at 05:05 PM )

Field 2

(Last updated 01/13/22 at 05:05 PM )

Field 3

(Last updated 01/13/22 at 05:05 PM )

Field 7

(Last updated 01/13/22 at 05:05 PM )

Field 6

(Last updated 12/13/22 at 02:23 PM )

Field 4

(Last updated 12/13/22 at 02:23 PM )

Field 5

(Last updated 12/13/22 at 02:23 PM )



2022 Sponsorship Information

The Holly Hills Baseball  program, using Little League competitive baseball rules, teaches skills,  mental and physical development, a respect for the rules of the game,  and basic ideals of sportsmanship and fair play. This season will be  another great year for Holly Hills Baseball and our excellent programs  would not be possible without the support of our wonderful community and  local businesses. Listed below are our sponsorship packages. Our  players and organization appreciate any contribution you wish to make.  


MVP Sponsorship - $250  

As a MVP Sponsor, your  company name will be advertised on the back of every jersey issued to  team.  The players will be wearing these jerseys during regular season  games and tournaments. Most of the kids enjoys wearing their jerseys  year round as well.    


Triple Crown Sponsorship - $300  

As a Triple Crown Sponsor, a  3x6 vinyl banner will be placed on our Tournament Field with your  company logo and it will be displayed in over 70 games & your  company ad will be included in our annual Little League Program booklet.   Annual Banner Renewal Fee Only $200    


Home Run Sponsorship - $500  

A Home Run Sponsorship is a  combination of both the MVP and Triple Crown sponsorships.  It’s a great  way to maximize your company’s exposure and to show your support for  your Township’s youth baseball program!    


World Series Sponsorship - $1000  

As a World Series Sponsor,  you will get an individual field with either a 4’ by 8’ or 2’ x 10’  banner on the outfield fence’s backstop for all Little League spectators  to see for two years. Additionally, you will be sponsoring a team and  have your company name advertised on the back of every jersey issued to  the team for the current season.  A Donation of $50 can also be made for a specific Field, Team or Player  of your choice.  

Please call 903-934-0112 or email [email protected] with any questions.

If paying by check please clink the link and download the form sponorship form.pdf

Local Sponsors